Wednesday 2 October 2013


THE “fact” that junk food is cheaper than real food has become a reflexive part of how we explain, particularly those with lower incomes. I frequently read confident statements like, “when a bag of chips is cheaper than a head of broccoli ...” or “it’s more affordable to feed a family of four at McDonald’s than to cook a healthy meal for them at home.”

Do you ever wonder what kids think about food? While kids are certainly swayed by commercials, taste and catchy ads, I think some kids are becoming more savvy about food and the foods they choose to eat.  Good news, yes? Here’s an opinion, written by an 11 year old, for a 5th grade class assignment, regarding the issue of “junk-food” and the commercials that surround them. Read on for an opinion from a future adult…

Junk-food commercials bother health experts because they encourage children to nag their parents. Children eat and buy too much junk-food. We need children to live a long, healthy life. To make that happen, children need to eat healthy. Most people don’t. They should eat wheat bread instead of white bread. People should put healthy food commercials on air, not junk-food! If you put junk-food commercials on air, most likely people will buy the junk-food and eat it almost every day.

People say commercials don’t make a difference; I think it makes a huge difference. Other people say people should not eat whatever they want. I agree but children will still eat whatever they want, even if their parents say not to.

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